Thursday, March 11, 2010

Morse, Stephen. “Genetically modified cotton contributes to sustainable development in Africa?” Mannion, A. M. Progress in Development Studies, (2009), Vol. 9 Issue 3, p225-247, WEB,32079371)
This article is over the U.N. actions on starvation, poverty and hunger. It emphasizes new ways to sustainably produce food for countries in this situation. This article is found through the university website search tools.

Schineller, Peter. “Meeting development goals”. America, (2008), Vol. 198 Issue 18, p5-5, WEB, 1p;
This article discusses multiple situations of genetically modified crops. With a focus on cotton, it develops information around the pro/cons of growing genetically modified crops

Shah, Mahendra. Strong, Maurice. “Food in The 21st Century: From Science to Sustainable Agriculture”. The International Bank for Reconstruction, 2000, Web, Mar. 10;

This is a book that was produced specifically involving food productivity dedicated to third world countries with an emphasis on Africa and new food processes to bring the technology to them.
Baldwin. Cheryl. “Sustainability in the Food Industry”. Wiley –Blockwell, 2009
This book is also dedicated to food sustainability but has a bigger influence on the actual process of how and where our food comes to us from. Very specific with a lot of facts.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The U.S. and those other people

We in the U. S. seem to put very little importance on the fact of starvation because let’s face it, it doesn’t apply to the large majority of us so why should we? Most of us go day to day worrying about little things like how is my hair or should I wear these shoes today. The reality we live in compared to a large population in any third world country is going to be extremely different. According to every U.S. household that celebrates thanksgiving trashes half of the food bought for the celebration. The amount of food we waste daily is as well astonishing. What we waste in a day could feed all the people starving in the world for one day according to
If we consciously made an effort not to waste food and eat in instead of going out all the time we could easily put a cap on the amount of food waste we produce and we could have enough cash left over to support some of the thousands of organizations devoted to supporting starving people. Personally I’m no different from every other American. I love eating out and having a few beers every once in a while but just being conscious of the world around you at least makes a difference. The problem with us is that we are so stuck in our own life that’s not an option.