Friday, April 30, 2010


Overall I thought it was relatively simple, except for the fact that I really don't like blogging and felt I was being forced to do something I didn't feel was relevant to English class. Because of that I fought it way too much and now my grade will probably suck for not giving a shit, high five to me!Anyway I thought some of the blogs we did were good for the fact that they the ideas behind them and what we did them on I found to be really interesting. I probably would have wrote on them if I didn't have to do it in blog form, don't ask me why. F*** the man mentality I guess.
I wouldn't really say that I improved my Blogging over the semester. I really didn't have an ambition for it. I would on the other hand say that I did improve my writing in the class overall. If you had seen some of my writing before this class you might have been disappointed. I actually really tried on the papers and I think im just now starting to actually write some decent worth while reads. I liked the subject matter I wrote on and I enjoyed the freedom under rule that we had.
I definitely learned that I still don't like web writing as much as I did before I did it. I remember seeing an add for twitter and I thought why the hell do people do that, they must be way too bored. Today as im writing this I am really bored so that might have something to do with it.Overall the class was really good and im still against blogging but I don't think its a bad way to run the class. It works for the majority of people and your always gonna have a problem with a select few. Im one of them.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia

This show is almost what you could call a sitcom with its characters all intertwined in conspicuous and ridiculous situations. Its odd because it almost seems that they are all the main characters. They each take turns throughout episodes being the focus and everyone else becomes back up characters.
They come up with some of the most insane situations to get themselves into and use the the opposite of logic when making decisions.In a way they are a bunch of adults acting kids with all the benefits of being an adult. I almost envy the laid back and care free attitude of the everyone in the show.I also find it to be so stupid that its hilarious. Usually you cant go through a show without laughing no matter your sense of humor. It may take a few episodes for you to enjoy or let alone understand the style of the show but it will be worth while. They have a way of taking something that could go in a positive direction and instead turn in the opposite and add on a few useless twists to the plot (Its like poring gasoline on the fire rather than water).
Overall the show has its interesting qualities but the most important is that its unique from a lot of the other shows out there. Its like a new age version of the three stooges with its own style of dialogue and character use.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Powder Week

My spring break started out pretty boring. I ended up sitting around the first two days until one of my friends decided he was going to hit up every mountain around us before the end of the week. I opted to go along, of course, and it turned into some of the best skiing of the season and it almost was odd for so much snow to come in this late in the season, but it did and we fallowed it.
From a big air contest at Lost trail to powder riding at Disovery, it turned into an epic trip. By the end we were in Bozeman riding Bridger and hitting up my buddies chalet hot tub to end the last night of our trip. After drinking heavily for a week and still managing to wake up every morning early for a full day of skiing, I can honestly say I am completely burnt out and I need some sleep but it was awesome and unforgettable. I wouldn't trade it for the world!