This show is almost what you could call a sitcom with its characters all intertwined in conspicuous and ridiculous situations. Its odd because it almost seems that they are all the main characters. They each take turns throughout episodes being the focus and everyone else becomes back up characters.
They come up with some of the most insane situations to get themselves into and use the the opposite of logic when making decisions.In a way they are a bunch of adults acting kids with all the benefits of being an adult. I almost envy the laid back and care free attitude of the everyone in the show.I also find it to be so stupid that its hilarious. Usually you cant go through a show without laughing no matter your sense of humor. It may take a few episodes for you to enjoy or let alone understand the style of the show but it will be worth while. They have a way of taking something that could go in a positive direction and instead turn in the opposite and add on a few useless twists to the plot (Its like poring gasoline on the fire rather than water).
Overall the show has its interesting qualities but the most important is that its unique from a lot of the other shows out there. Its like a new age version of the three stooges with its own style of dialogue and character use.
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1 year ago
I find this show to be pretty charming at times. You're right about them acting like adult kids. I particularly liked an episode where two of the guys concluded that the third guy was totally in love with them. (I cant remember who was who in this instance. It's tough because they all act like jackasses.)